
Pablo Picasso

선바우1 2018. 2. 6. 14:01

Spanish painter, sculptor & printmaker

(1881- 1973)

La Vie (Life)
1903, oil on canvas
Cleveland Museum of Art.

The Tragedy
1903, oil on wood
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.

The Visit (Two Sisters).
1902. Oil on canvas pasted on panel.
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Breakfast of a Blind Man.
1903. Oil on canvas.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.

Portrait of a Young Woman.
1903. Oil on canvas pasted on cardboard.
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia.

1903. Oil on canvas.
Barnes Foundation, Lincoln University, Merion, PA, USA.

The Old Guitarist.
1903. Oil on panel.
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.

Old Beggar with a Boy.
1903. Oil on canvas.
The Pushkin Museum of Fine Art, Moscow, Russia.

Madonna with Garland
Pablo Picasso - 1904
Private collection

Height: 63 cm (24.8 in.), Width: 48 cm (18.9 in.

Pablo Picasso - 1901
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 92 cm (36.22 in.), Width: 59.7 cm (23.5 in.)

Motherhood Pablo Picasso - 1901 Private collection Painting -

 oil on canvas Height: 47.4 cm (18.66 in.), Width: 34 cm (13.39 in.)

The Poet Sabartes (1901)
Oil on canvas

Portrait of Sebastià Junyer i Vidal, 1903

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