1890~1903 귀중한 사진자료
상류층 가족
성벽 위에서 노는 어린이들
A Rustic Road Near SEOUL
The Bean Grinder, SEOUL
A "Greasy Spoon" Restaurant in SEOUL
닭 장수 SEOUL
숯 장수, SEOUL
용산, YUNG SAN, a Logging Town Near SEOUL
Two Kinds of Loads on the Streets of SEOUL
Public School With a Holding Cell Under the Floor Reserved For Wild Kids, SEOUL
Tiger Hunters in the Hills Outside of SEOUL
Shoeing a Horse at the Blacksmith's Home, SEOUL
우체국 기공식. SEOUL, 1903
CHEMULPO City and Harbor at Low Tide (Street Divides Chinese and Japanese Settlements) 1904
High Class Women and their Coach Bearers
Education Awakens the 'Hermit Kingdom" -- A School for Boys in SEOUL, 1903
A Happy Couple Visiting Relatives in SEOUL, 1903
Korean MINISTER OF WAR, His Son, and Grand Children. SEOUL, 1903
General Prince "MIN YUN HUAN",
Commander in Chief of the Korean Army. SEOUL, 1903
OLDPottery Packing Mountain Men, Near SEOUL
First Class Transportation, SEOUL
Limousine Service in the Snow for a High Class Little Girl, SEOUL
Happy Kids With Grandma and the Water Boy, SEOUL
Chowing Down at an Old "Greasy Spoon" Where the Food Tastes Great. SEOUL
The Wedding party (2), SEOUL
High Class Dandys on a Nature Hike. Near SEOUL
The Royal Tombs
Sticks, Mud, Rock, and Rope.
Building a Home in SEOUL
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