
가을과 듣고 싶은 연주곡들

선바우1 2018. 11. 10. 18:45

 가을과 듣고 싶은 연주곡들


1. Autumn Leaves
2. Loving Cello
3. Devotion
4. Erste Begegnung
5. A Festival In The Forest
6. First Yellow Leaf

7. Warm October Sun
8. Autumnwind Over The Country
9. Silver Pastures
10. A Heaven Full Of Violins
11. Rainbow Song
          12. Friendship


'클래식·연주' 카테고리의 다른 글

Hey Pretty, Pretty   (0) 2018.11.12
Provance  (0) 2018.11.11
Boston Express   (0) 2018.11.10
Best Cello Music Collection  (0) 2018.11.09
Adam Hurst 의 첼로 연주곡   (0) 2018.11.09