
The Summer Orchards

선바우1 2018. 9. 17. 14:36

The Summer Orchards

- 여름 과수원 풍경들 -

Frank Richards, R.B.A. (1892-1925)
A Cornish Orchard

Young Woman Picking Oranges Berthe Morisot - 1889

Apple orchard by Audre Ziegel

Joseph Rodefer de Camp (1858-1923)

The Pear Orchard

Stanhope Alexander Forbes (1857-1947)

The Orchard

Kirk Richards (1952-)

Mountain Orchard

Daniel Gerhartz

Autumn harvest

Gathering Plums

Theodore Robinson - 1891

Apple orchard

Morgan Weistling (1964-)
Summer's Harvest

Mary Cassatt (1844-1926)
Baby Reaching For An Apple

The Cherry Tree
Berthe Morisot - 1891

Frederick Morgan (1847-1927)
Bob Apple

Daniel F. Gerhartz (1965-)
In The Orchard

Hippolyte Camille Delpy (1842-1910)
Mother and Child in the Garden

Contencin Istres La vendange De Pommes 1893

Arthur John Elsley (1861-)
Picking Apples

Camille Pissarro (1830 - 1903)
Women picking apples 1881

Pierre Auguste Renoir - 1890
The Apple Seller

John George Brown (American, 1831-1913)
The Cider Mill 1880

Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee (1853-1928)
The daughters of Eve

Sir Walter Westley Rusell Under the Apple Trees

Apple Gatherers
Camille Pissarro - 1891

Apalple Pickers,
Eragny Camille Pissarro - 1888

The Apple Gatherers
Karl Anderson - 1912

Henry Herbert La Thangue (1859-1929)
A Sussex Orchard

Daniel F. Gerhartz (1965-) In The Orchard

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