
Winslow Homer 의 작품세계

선바우1 2018. 1. 20. 16:14

Winslow Homer 의 작품세계

Girls Strolling in an Orchard
1879 watercolor and pencil on paper
Four Leaf Clover
1878 Painting - watercolor and pencil on paper
Children on a Fence
Williams College Museum of Art (United States)
1874 Painting - watercolor
Childred Playing under a Gloucester Wharf
Museum of Fine Arts (United States)
1880 Painting - watercolor
Feeding Time
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute (United States)
1878 Painting - watercolor
Canoe in the Rapids
Fogg Museum of Art (United States)
1897 Painting - watercolor
Casting the Fly
National Gallery of Art - Washington (United States)
1894 Painting - watercolor

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